Uniqlo Visual Displays

Technological art fabrication and Installation, Visual Display Fabrication, Art Fabrication

Technological art fabrication and Installation, Visual Display Fabrication, Art Fabrication

Folded metal sculpture, Sculpture fabrication, art fabrication, visual display fabrication, Uniqlo

Technological art fabrication and Installation, Visual Display Fabrication, Art Fabrication
Through collaborations with various visual artists, New Project was engaged to fabricate and install visual displays for Uniqlo store locations in New York City and Chicago. A series of elegantly complex curvilinear "wood" ribbons designed by Howard Tooze is most challenging project we have done for Uniqlo to date. The ribbons flowed throughout the massive windows and had to be light, self-supportive, yet sturdy enough to support mannequins. Working with Mona Kim, we also fabricated a series of 6- and 10-foot “cube trees." We translated conceptual designs into digital 3D models that were used to CNC mirrored and colored plexiglass for complex multifaceted pieces with LED-illuminated translucent edges. New Project also created an engaging LED-light installation and oversized red and white origami-inspired sculptures for holiday visual displays, both designed by Mona Kim.